Did Paul or other Bible writers corrupt the Injil?
This is a great question. The danger for all of us is that we can either ask it with a superficial answer already in our… Read More »Did Paul or other Bible writers corrupt the Injil?
This is a great question. The danger for all of us is that we can either ask it with a superficial answer already in our… Read More »Did Paul or other Bible writers corrupt the Injil?
We have seen that both the Qur’an and the Sunnah confirm that the Bible (Taurat, Zabur and Injil that make up al Kitab) has not… Read More »The Qur'an replaces the Bible! What says the Qur'an?
We have seen what that the Qur’an says that the Taurat, Zabur & Injil of the Bible (al kitab) are not corrupted. The Qur’an states… Read More »The Injil Corrupted! What do the Hadiths say?